Monday, October 11, 2010

Recipes please!

Danny's school is participating in a recipe competition of sorts.  There are cash prizes given for first, second, and third place recipes.  Not just cash prizes, but sizeable cash prizes.  Although we are still unsure of the financial need, it is only reasonable to believe that it will be significant.  What a great opportunity for us to help David and Dana without the need to raise a single penny!  I happen to not be one of them, but I know there are good cooks out there.  Or you know good cooks.  PLEASE: share your recipes with us.  Or call your great cooker of a mother, aunt, grandmother, best friend and get the recipe you beg for them to make.  Either post to this blog, or email them to me at:  Just please put in the subject: RECIPE FOR DAVID & DANA so I don't accidentally write it off as junk mail. 

While we could only be able to win one prize (1st, 2nd, or 3rd), we can submit as many recipes as we give us as many as you've got that you think have the potential to be award winning. 

Below is a little info on this competition:

Categories:  Appetizers & Snacks;  Soups, Salads, & Sides; Entrees; Desserts; Bake Sale; Healthy Recipes

Of course, the recipe must be "original"  Read: not pulled off of the internet. 

Judging is based on: Flavor, Creativity/Uniqueness, Visual Appeal, and Feasibility (can be created in a reasonable amount of time with a reasonable amount of ingredients)

Recipes need to be submitted by November, so please please please get us your recipes as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your willingness help!


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