Monday, October 11, 2010

Heart Cath: 8 a.m.

Henry's heart cath is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. tomorrow.  Will post updates as soon as they are known.  Please say a prayer as you wake up, are on your way to work, etc. that this will give the doctors the info they need and prepare them for surgery.  Or even better, pray that a miracle has occured and surgery will just not be necessary! 

We were blessed to have David, Dana, and Darcy for dinner tonight.  It was so nice to have that time laughing, talking, and eating (a favorite pasttime of mine) with them outside of the hospital.  To end a good evening, we had the joy of watching some video footage of baby Henry.  Such normal newborn things like drinking a bottle, opening his eyes, taking a nap, even burping--and yet we were all mesmerized by the images on the TV and had perma-grin on our faces.  It was great!  Hoping to figure out how to post some of those videos tomorrow for all of you to enjoy. 


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