Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh Henry!

Henry's heart rate was below 200 this morning-in the upper 190s. That's great news...but it gets better! The doctors ran some tests and discovered that in between his regular heartbeats, he was having some extra beats at random. They gave him some medication through an infusion. His heart rate is now down to...140! From 220s a few days ago, to 140 today. Hooray! Of course, they will try to wean him off of that drip, but if the heart rate goes back up, there is a med they can put him on. The lowered heart rate should relieve some of the stress on his vessels too. God is good and these doctors/nurses are too!

The two biggest needs now are:

1. Pee. Henry is still peeing, but not as much as the fluids they are putting in him. This is causing him to remain swollen some, mostly from the belly button down. The swelling is the main thing that is preventing them from closing him now.

2. Pulmonary artery still needs growth. At this particular point in time, this is not an emergency, but could become urgent at any point down the road. So, let's go ahead any pray for growth now before it does become an emergency.

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